RAdio Detecting And Ranging / SOund Navigation And Ranging

A little WW-2 story from the newspapers of the day follows:

Fish Noises Confuse Sub Crews ON Look Out for Sounds of Foe   

Denizens of Deep Grunt, Purr, drum find Grind Their Teeth With Surprising Effect, Men at Earphones Of Undersea Craft Find; Navy Records Disturbing Blasts         

       WASHINGTON, Aug. 19 (AP). -- U. S. submarines turning corners at 10 fathoms or so have pulled up in surprise and wonderment at hearing such raucous sounds as "honk, honk! beep, beep!--g-r-rrrr!"

       The men with the earphones who listen to what gees on while their craft is slithering through the briny deep, often confuse these noises with the hum of enemy propellers, and signal for a quick stop, look, listen.

       But, as it turned out today, the eerie underwater traffic noises often are caused by fish.

Yes, sir. Fish.

       The fish and wildlife service of the Interior Department has reported to its chief, Secretary Ickes, that little fishes are as noisy as dishes, when rattled.

       "Fish," said the F. and W. service in a formal report, "actually grunt, purr, drum, grind their teeth and make a medley of other sounds that create strong underwater vibrations even when inaudible on the surface."


       The F. and W. service, aided and abetted by the Navy, has made a series of recordings of fish noises which are being drummed into the ears of submarine "listeners" so that they will know the difference between an ichthyological burp and a Japanese propeller.

       "The Navy experts," said the report to Mr. Ickes, "obtained their most surprising results with the toadfish, a common species of the Atlantic coast known for its ugliness and its bad temper. Although advised by fish and wildlife service biologists that the toadfish is an important sound-producer, the investigators were unprepared for the volume of its voice which they said compared in intensity with a steam-boat whistle."

      "Fishes capable," the report went on, "of making drumming, grating, or grunting noises are found both in fresh and salt water in all parts of the world. Whether fishes use their voices to attract, the opposite sex, as a feeding call, or to express general contentment like a cat's purr is not known."                                                                                                                          


This reference: (Wilmington, Delaware) Journal-Every Evening, August 19, 1943, p. 10, C1 

Nice to know we can detect small fishes and obviously, large undersea submarines. Now how about those “U.F.Othercraft ????

       This page is for the accumulation of cases that deal with Radar or Sonar so that we can see from them, what to expect in “returns”. Admittedly, the greatest number of cases will come from Radar inasmuch as it encompasses aerial UFOs as well as those on the surface.




Column contents as indicated by the following letters
A - Date of sighting (MM-DD-YEAR)
B - Status column. Single letter or symbol. "C" Controversy, "D" Validity Doubtful, "E" Date Error, "H" Proven Hoax,
     "M" Misidentification, "N" Not water-related but shown as such, "U" Unknown, "X" No UFO seen/Text not entered
C - Location of sighting
D - Source of this article.
E - The letter "O" in this column will indicate that the reference is the Original. The letter "S" will indicate that this is a

Secondary source. The letter "N" will indicate that the source is Needed.

F - Specific location of a constructed group of cases :
1~8-??-1947 Pacific Ocean, Position unknown E-mail to C. Feindt, dated Dec. 27, 2007 O 9
02-10-1951 Atlantic, off Newfoundland, Canada UFO Investigator (NICAP), Sep. 1970 p3 & Oct 1970 p3 O 9
FF-??-1951 Pacific Ocean off Korea Keyhoe/Flying Saucers: Top Secret + O 9
04?-??-1952 Atlantic Ocean near Cape Chidley, Labrador, Canada Letter to researcher Carl Feindt dated 05 Dec. 2008 O 9
11-05-1957 Gulf of Mexico, South of New Orleans, USA Flying Saucers: Top Secret by Major Donald Keyhoe O 9
??-??-1957 Bering Sea E-mail to me (CF) on February 03, 2006, at 12:47 p.m. S 9
04-04-1959 Indian Ocean Strange Encounters by Timothy Beckley, pp. 85-86 S 9
??-??-1961 North Atlantic Ocean George Fawcett, Psychic Observer, Vol. 3, No. 11 S 9
??-??-1962 Bass Strait, Australia Multiple - UFO Research Queensland, Australia O 9
02-28?-1963 30-50 miles off Spitzbergen, Norway MUFON Journal #199, November 1984, pp. 7-9 O 9
11-20-1963 Off the eastern coast of Scotland FSR, Vol. 10, No. 2, March/April 1964, p. 22 S 9
SM-??-1963 Atlantic Ocean between Puerto Rico & Key West INFO Journal, Vol. 3, #1, p. 38 S 9
??-??-1964 625 miles east of Bermuda West Virginia UFOs by Bob Teets, pp. 137-8 O 9
12-14-1966 Porsangen Fjord, Norway The APRO Bulletin, Year 1967, Month 1 O 9
SM-??-1968 Unknown waters off Lusjun/Dalian, China Flying Saucer Review Vol. 29 No. 6 O 9
10-24-1969 Pacific Ocean, 350 miles S. of Valparaiso Port, S.A. International UFO Reporter, September/October 1985 O 9
??-??-1970 Atlantic Ocean near the Bermuda triangle Telephone conversation and e-mails with the witness O 9
11-21-1972 Hermansverk, Norway IUR January/February 1995, pp. 12-13 & 17 O 9
11-30-1974 D Indian Ocean - No specific location Ideals UFO Magazine #2, June 1978, p. 54 O 9
LL-??-1974 Waters near Vietnam E-mail from UFO Updates, O 9
04-23-1976 Atlantic - 700 miles SW of Bermuda The APRO Bulletin, Year 1978, Month 5 O 9
04-10-1977 Mediterranean Sea off Israel The UFO Investigator, June 1977, pp. 1 & 3 S 9
10-??-1978 Zone of the Channels, Chile, South America Revelacion Magazine # 8, August 1996 Trans A Rosales O 9
03-05-1979 Atantic Ocean, near the Canary Islands UFOs: the Secret History by M. Hesemann, pp. 415-416 S 9
04-10-1979 Atlantic off the coast of New Bedford, Mass., USA "The Standard Times", New Bedford, Mass. 04-12-1979 O 9
07-05-1979 Gulf of Alaska, S. of Seward, AK The APRO Bulletin, Vol. 31, No. 8, pp. 3-4 O 9
06-05-2009 HMS Daring, docked in Liverpool, United Kingdom Macedonian International News Agency online S 9